Pastor’s Desk – 11-29-14

Pastor’s Desk – 11-29-14

There is a psychologist at Harvard named Howard Gardner who is trying to revolutionize the study of intelligence. He says that we have been studying I.Q. all wrong. Almost all the intelligence tests the institutions of learning and employment conduct only measure one...

Nota de nuestro Pastor – 11-23-14

Nota de nuestro Pastor – 11-23-14

Como un Sacerdote procedente de la India,   encuentro tantas cosas fascinantes en los     Estados Unidos. Las hermosas costas, parques nacionales, ríos, montañas con nieve, poderosos puentes, trenes largos, caminos y control de tráfico, limpieza en lugares públicos,...

Pastor’s Desk 11-23-14

Pastor’s Desk 11-23-14

As a priest coming from India, I find so many fascinating things in the U.S. The beautiful seashores, National parks, mighty rivers, snowy mountains, mighty bridges, mile long trains, roads and traffic management, Cleanliness in public places etc., are some of these....