Vatican Corner 11-22-2020

In 2018, the Vatican defrocked cardinal Theodore McCarrick who was eventually convicted of sexual abuse of minors and adults – aggravated by the abuse of power – and solicitation in the confessional. After two years of careful internal investigation, the report was...

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Vatican Corner 11-15-2020

The Italian boy - Carlo Acutis, who died of leukemia in 2006 at the age 15, was beatified onOctober 10, 2020 at a special Mass in the city of Assisi. Beatification is the last step before sainthood and it is the recognition by the Catholic Church of the deceased...

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Vatican Corner 11-08-2020

Pope Francis at his Angelus address on March 1, 2020 told the faithful to “never engage in dialogue with the devil.” He urged Christians to be alert and vigilant when “messages, coming at us from many places” invite us to be tempted and to experience “the intoxication...

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Vatican Corner 11-01-2020

When you enter St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, the whole building’s design is intended to direct your gaze upward towards the ceiling where you are basically shown the promise of heaven. But you may be missing something extra special if you don’t also look down...

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Vatican Corner 10-25-2020

The more we peer into space, the more certain we become that our planet isn’t the only one suitable for life. If there is life out there then some of it could possibly be intelligent life. That kind of life possesses wisdom, the ability to act with appropriate...

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Vatican Corner 10-18-2020

Named for the Roman goddess of beauty, the planet Venus is Earth’s broiling sister planet. It has a surface temperature of around 880 degrees Fahrenheit, a thick atmosphere of sulfuric acid, and has not been looked at as a possible place for life. More attention has...

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Vatican Corner 10-11-2020

Cardinal Angelo Becciu was born in 1948 in Sardinia, Italy. After completing his studies in theology and philosophy, he was ordained a priest at the age of 24. When speaking about his seminary days in 2018, he said “I entered the seminary because as a child I dreamed...

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Vatican Corner 10-04-2020

On Sept. 24, 2020, Cardinal Angelo Becciu, 72, one of the highest-ranking cardinals in the Catholic Church unexpectedly resigned his position and gave up his cardinal rights. There was no immediate explanation from the Vatican. In a press conference the next day...

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Vatican Corner 09-27-2020

On September 12, 2020, the Vatican said that it was “necessary and urgent” to return to in-person Masses as soon as anti-coronavirus measures permit. Cardinal Robert Sarah the head of the Vatican’s liturgy office said in a letter to bishop’s conferences worldwide that...

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Vatican Corner 09-20-2020

The prayer: The Angelus is a Catholic prayer devoted to the commemoration of the Incarnation, when Jesus was made flesh by being conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary. The name Angelus comes from the first few words of the text: “The Angel of the Lord declared unto...

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Vatican Corner 09-13-2020

On August 30, 2020 from the window of his studio overlooking St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis said in his weekly Angelus prayer that Christ’s cross is a powerful symbol of God’s love for humanity and not just a decoration or trinket. While Christians often hang a...

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Vatican Corner 09-06-2020

Papal infallibility is generally misunderstood. It doesn’t mean that the pope cannot sin or make mistakes and his routine papal teaching is not thought to be infallible. It is instead when he defines a doctrine concerning faith and morals that is to be held by the...

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