Vatican Corner 9-13-15

VATICAN CORNER Continued… Last December 2014, Pope Francis joined leaders of the world's religious faiths to sign a declaration aimed at ending modern slavery. That event has no parallel in history and was organized by billionaire Andrew Forrest's Global Freedom...

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Vatican Corner 9-6-15

VATICAN CORNER It began with a schoolgirl’s terrible discovery. The 17 year old daughter of Australian mining tycoon Andrew Forrest went back to Nepal to visit the orphanage where she had volunteered her help. She found that the girls were gone and had been trafficked...

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Vatican Corner 7-19-15

Two weeks ago when Pope Francis arrived in Ecuador and emerged from the plane, a breeze whipped off his white zucchetto (skull-cap) and swirled his robes. He smiled and laughed and took it in stride. The same thing happened about 6 months earlier in January, 2015 when...

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Vatican Corner 7-12-15

On Sunday July 5, 2015, Pope Francis began an eight day tour of three South American countries: Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay. They are among the poorest nations in Latin America, the region of the world where 40% of all Catholics reside. As Pope, this is his second...

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