Vatican Corner 3-22-15

continued … Prior to 1965, the Latin response: “ET cum spiritu tuo,“ which literally means “And with your spirit,” when translated into the English liturgy became “And also with you.” The translation was thought to convey the same meaning but be more straightforward....

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Vatican Corner 3-15-15

On Saturday evening March 7, 2015, Pope Francis celebrated Mass at All Saints Church in Rome in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the first time Mass was offered in the local vernacular language – (Italian) rather than in Latin. Pope Francis concluded his...

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Vatican Corner 3-8-15

Catholics abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Fridays during Lent. Abstinence is one of Christian’s oldest traditions. According to The Catholic Source Book, “From the first century, the day of the crucifixion has been traditionally observed as a day...

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Vatican Corner 3-1-15

On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015 Pope Francis walked in a solemn procession between churches on Rome’s ancient Aventine Hill, calling on Catholics to humbly remember their human limits as they began the annual 40 day penitential Lenten period leading to Easter on April...

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Vatican Corner 2-22-15

A cardinal is a senior ecclesiastical leader and is usually also an ordained bishop. A cardinal’s duties include attending meetings of the College of Cardinals, making himself available to the Pope as requested, and many are also leaders of a diocese or archdiocese,...

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Vatican Corner 2-15-15

During a talk on fatherhood at his general audience on Wednesday February 4, 2015, Pope Francis departed from his prepared text to recount a conversation he once had with a father at a family encounter. Francis indicated that he agreed with the father’s use of...

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Ash Wednesday & Lent In Two Minutes

Looking for a quick way to explain Ash Wednesday to your friends? Look no further than Busted Halo’s® two-minute video that describes the day which begins the season of Lent, and why Catholics and many Christians receive ashes on their foreheads. [video width="854"...

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Vatican Corner 2-8-15

continued … In Manila on Sunday morning January 18, 2015, Pope Francis visited the Catholic University of Santo Tomas, where he drew a crowd of 200,000 and where he came close to tears himself hearing from two rescued street children speak of their lives growing up...

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Vatican Corner 2-1-15

continued … Pope Francis left Sri Lanka and landed in the Philippines on Thursday January 15, 2015. The Pope said the main reason for the visit was to meet survivors of Super Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest storm ever recorded on land which claimed more than 7,350 lives...

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Vatican Corner 1-25-15

On January 12, 2015, Pope Francis began his second Asian pilgrimage in five months, visiting Sri Lanka for two days and the Philippines for three. It is exactly 20 years after St. John Paul II‘s record setting visit to those two countries. Pope Francis has defined the...

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Vatican Corner 1-18-15

On November 8, 2014, Pope Francis made more key appointments intended to help bring about a change of mentality in the Vatican hierarchy. He is looking for a softer approach to applying Church law, and he thinks he’s found that in French Moroccan Archbishop Dominique...

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Vatican Corner 1-11-15

Pope Francis has found a way of clearing out the unwanted and unneeded gifts he receives and at the same time raising money for the poor. The Vatican began selling raffle tickets for a chance to win one of those unwanted gifts. Sales began in November, making a ticket...

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