What your St Vincent de Paul has done for the past year with your help, for those neighbors and parishioners who were in need

Families helped ……………………………………………1,339


Children ………………………………………………………….1,458

Bags of groceries distributed ……….…………3,530


Monetary Gains:

Fifth Sunday Collection (4 a year)…… $11,137.00

Member Contribution ……………………….. $ 890.00

Rice Bowl Grant …………………………………. $ 700.00

Fund Raiser( Bundle Sunday=$250 to Svdp Store only)

TOTAL ……………………………………………………………….. $12,727.00


Monetary Gains Exhausted:

Furniture ……………………………………………. $ 1,119.00

Utility Payments (no longer available) … $ 531.00

Rent Assistance (no longer available)…. $ 600.00

Shelter for 1 or 2 nights lodging(motel)$ 849.00

Purchases of food ( 10/2013-9/2014) $ 16,357.00

Dues (to National Headquarters ) ………… $ 175.00

TOTAL …………………………………………………. $19,631.00

LOSS ……………………………………………………… $6,904.00

Please keep this information in mind when the second collection is for St Vincent de Paul and for the weekly food requests.