Every year on Good Friday, a collection is taken up in every Catholic Church to support the people and places of the Holy Land. Christians of the Holy Land rely heavily on the help that comes to them during this special moment of the year. On Feb. 10, 2016, Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, sent a letter to the bishops of the world, appealing to them for aid to the Church in the Holy Land. He writes “the collection reminds us of an ancient duty, which the history of recent years has made more urgent, but no less a source of the joy that comes from helping our brothers. We are indebted to those who went out from there, carrying the light of faith to the world. Likewise, we are indebted to those who remained to give witness to that faith, in spite of the conflicts that have always tortured that Land. Nonetheless, the Christians in the Holy Land care for the places marked by the passage of Jesus Himself, allowing us to touch, as it were, the truth of our faith. This Land challenges our charity, as it always has, yet today with a growing urgency. Indeed, every person who lives and works there deserves our prayers and our concrete assistance, so necessary for the continuation of the work of healing wounds and fostering confidently justice and peace. We cannot remain indifferent: God is not indifferent! God cares about mankind, as Pope Francis says ‘God does not abandon us’. This care is expressed by our open hands, contributing generously. It can also be shown by making pilgrimages without fear to the places of our salvation, visiting also the schools and centers of assistance, where one can draw near to the local Christians and listen to their stories.” Cardinal Sandri’s letter to the bishops went on to say “I assure you of the deepest gratitude of the Holy Father Francis and that of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, which seeks to accompany our brothers and sisters of the East with attentive care. Kindly extend this heartfelt thanks to all the Christian faithful of your particular Church.
The responsibility of caring for the Holy Places as well as caring for the Christians living in the Holy Land belongs to The Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land. Their care is important in order to maintain a Christian presence in a land that is filled with a Jewish and Islamic majority. They maintain the Holy places and shrines; they build thousands of residential units as well as senior care facilities; they provide medical assistance for the needy; operate and support schools open to all, regardless of religion or nationality. They provide scholarships for students to prepare them to get jobs and remain in the Holy Land as part of living Catholic communities. They Fund young men studying to become Franciscan priests or brothers, and Franciscan archaeologists pursue ongoing research at the Holy Places discovering historical artifacts.
To be continued… Sources:,,,