Pastors Desk 2-28-16

n the 1980’s Mary Brenner was a divorced mother of seven children who owned a carbon paper manufacturing company in Beverly Hills. She was a friend of all the movie stars, went to their parties, and hobnobbed with celebrities. What turned her around, and made her see...

Pastors Desk 2-21-16

It is not uncommon to hear the question, “Why does the church collect money?” or “Why do the churches ask for money?” The answer to this question is a counter question, “Why do the families need money?” or “Why do the families depend on monthly salary?” The families...

Pastors Desk 2-14-16

The local sheriff was looking for a deputy, and one of the applicants, who was not known to be the brightest academically, was called in for an interview. “Okay,” began the sheriff, “What is 1 and 1?” “Eleven,” came the reply. The...