St. Joachim News


Vatican Corner 06-09-2019

For nearly 900 years the Church has forbidden priests to marry or have sex, but it has never spelled out rules for what priests or bishops must do when a clergyman fathers a child. Canon law, the church’s legal system, is silent on the issue of priests becoming...

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Pastor’s Desk 06-09-2019

If in 1968 someone had asked which country would dominate watch-making in the 1990s, most people would have said Switzerland. This is because Switzerland had dominated the world of watch- making for the previous sixty years. They led the search for new ways to...

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Vatican Corner 06-01-2019

For centuries, charity efforts, both large scale and small, have been part of Catholic tradition. In 2005 Pope Benedict XVI wrote: “Following the example given in the parable of the Good Samaritan, Christian charity is first of all the simple response to immediate...

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Pastor’s Desk 06-01-2019

A beautiful old story tells of how Jesus, after his Ascension into Heaven, was surrounded by the Holy Angels who began to inquire about his work on earth. Jesus told them about His birth, life, preaching, death and Resurrection, and how he had accomplished the...

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Vatican Corner 05-12-2019

Modern Canon law defines heresy as the “obstinate denial or doubt, atier baptism, of some truth to be believed with divine and Catholic faith.” In other words it is the violations of important Catholic teachings. In the Catholic Church there is much dark history tied...

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Pastor’s Desk 05-12-2019

Everyone, it seems, is interested in my numbers. I go to the grocery store to buy some groceries. After the checkout woman rings up my bill, I pull out my checkbook and write out the check. She takes it from me. She looks at the information. Numbers tell her where I...

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Vatican Corner 05-05-2019

con nued … Investigators so far believe that the terrible fire at the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris was an accident and not intentionally set. About 50 investigators are questioning people, including restoration workers, and are searching the charred ruins for...

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Pastor’s Desk 05-05-2019

Fr. Mark Link S.J. once told an incident that happened during the great depression (AD 1929-1939). Jobs were scarce, and when an opening was announced, dozens of applicants applied. On this particular occasion, they crowded into a waiting room, eager to be interviewed...

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Vatican Corner 04-28-2019

In Paris on April 15, 2019 a devastating fire burned Notre-Dame de Paris (‘Our Lady of Paris’) the famous 856 –year old Gothic cathedral, and one of the most recognizable churches in the world. The fire broke out just before 7 pm. local time and by 8 pm. the spire...

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Pastor’s Desk 04-28-2019

The TIME Magazine January 9, 1984 cover showed a prison cell where two men sat on metal folding chairs. The young man wore a blue turtleneck sweater, blue jeans and white running shoes. The older man was dressed in a white robe and had a white skullcap on his head....

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Vatican Corner 04-14-2019

Pope Francis visited the Kingdom of Morocco on the weekend of March 30, 2019, continuing to build bridges between Chris ans and Muslims. He met with Moroccan King Mohammed VI and together they signed an appeal for Jerusalem. The appeal recognized the “uniqueness and...

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Pastor’s Desk 04-14-19

Constantine the Great was the first Christian Roman emperor. His father Constantius I who succeeded Diocletian as emperor in 305 A.D. was a pagan with a soft heart for Christians. When he ascended the throne, he discovered that many Christians held important jobs in...

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Vatican Corner 04-07-2019

With his apostolic letter of March 29, 2019, Pope Francis established new legal procedures to better protect minors and vulnerable adults within the Vatican City State. While there are few minors living in the Vatican, there are minors in the Sistine Chapel Choir, in...

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Pastor’s Desk 04-07-2019

Dr. A.J. Cronin was a great Christian physician in England. One night he assigned a young nurse to a little boy who had been brought to the hospital suffering from diphtheria and given only a slight chance to live. A tube was inserted into the boy's throat to help him...

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Pastor’s Desk 03-31-19

Mohandas K. Gandhi, "the Father of the Nation” in India, in his famous autobiography, My Experiments with Truth, writes about his own experience of theft, confession and forgiveness as a schoolboy. “I was fifteen when I stole a bit of gold out of my brother's armlet...

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