St. Joachim News
Vatican Corner 03-10-2019
When the world’s bishops get together for meetings now-adays, they no longer communicate with each other using just one common language - Latin, as they once did. Back in the early 1960s Latin was the primary language they knew and used together. However, even in...
Pastor’s Desk 03-10-2019
A mother camel and her baby are talking one day and the baby camel asks, “Mom, why have we got these huge three-toed feet?” The mother replies, “To enable us trek across the soft sand of the desert without sinking.” “And why have we got these long, heavy eyelashes?”...
Bulletin 03-10-2019
Vatican Corner 03-03-2019
For four days - Feb. 23-26, 2019, the world’s top bishops gathered at the Vatican for the special meeting called by Pope Francis about clerical sexual abuse and child protection. Pope Francis presided over the meeting and every day the participants listened to the...
Pastors Desk 03-03-2019
A few years back the diocese of Oakland sent people to make a study of the various facilities in our campus such as the Church, the School, the gym and hall. The purpose of the study was to find out the facilities available, the way they are used for various purposes,...
Bulletin 03-03-2019
Vatican Corner 02-24-19
The Vatican announced on February 16, 2019 the conviction of the 88 year old ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick on the charges of sexual abuse of minors and adults – aggravated by the abuse of power – and solicitation in the confessional. The penalty imposed, the most...
Pastor’s Desk 02-24-19
In his autobiography, “The Story of My Experiments with Truth,” Mahatma Gandhi mentions the “Sermon on the Mount” as one of the main religious works that inspired him to search for ways of bringing about political freedom for India by non violent resistance to...
Bulletin 02-24-2019
Bulletin 02-17-2019
Vatican Corner 02-10-2019
Rome ’ s former symphony hall, the 1,300 seat - Auditorium della Conciliazione, located close to the Vatican just off St. Peter ’ s Square, has been presenting two shows a day since March 15, 2018 of a “ fully - immersive, live multimedia production entitled “...
Pastor’s Desk 02-10-2019
One of the few creatures on earth that can out - jump Michael Jordan is the Impala. This is an African deer with a supercharged spring. It has a vertical leap of over 10 feet and can broad - jump over 30 feet. You would think that the zoos of the world would find it...
Bulletin 02-10-2019
Vatican Corner 02-03-19
Continued … The goal of World Youth Day is to inspire young people with the message of Jesus Christ. It has been celebrated every year since 1986, beginning when Pope John Paul II decided to share a special Palm Sunday gathering with Catholic young people. Every few...
Pastors Desk 02-03-19
John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States and the son of a former President, reportedly said that he would rather clean filth from the streets than be President. Scripture tells us that most of the prophets shared John Quincy Adams ’ feeling of...
Bulletin 02-03-2019
Saint Joachim School Crab Feed
Vatican Corner 01-27-19
A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place for the purpose of worship and/or to ask for heavenly aid. The journey involves leaving behind the comforts of home and frequently includes sacrifice, self-denial, hunger, long walks, pain, exhaustion, extreme weather, and...
Pastors Desk 01-27-2019
In 1835, Elijah Lovejoy saw a man lynched. It changed his life. He cut back on his career as a Presbyterian pastor and as a schoolteacher. He went back to his earlier training as a newspaper editor and began to write anti-slavery tracts. He delivered speeches and...
Bulletin 01-27-2019
Vatican Corner 01-20-19
On January 10, 2019, the Vatican announced the creation of its first ever sports association: Athletica Vaticana. It is the next step in the Vatican’s longstanding promotion of sports as an instrument of dialogue, peace and solidarity. The idea for a Vatican track...
Pastors Desk 01-20-19
Johnny Carson (who hosted the Tonight Show for 30 yearsft, was interviewing an eight-year-old boy one night. The young man was asked to appear on the Late Show because he had rescued two friends from a coal mine outside his hometown in West Virginia. As Johnny...
Bulletin 01-20-2019
Vatican Corner 01-13-19
The delegation from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops met with Pope Francis on September 13, 2018, and afterwards released a statement that they would adopt 4 measures as a first step to address the crisis of sexual abuse in the Church. Then the full body of...