St. Joachim News
Pastors Desk 11-13-16
The Temple of Jerusalem of Jesus’ time  was the third Temple Solomon had built the first Temple in seven years. It stood for 370 years. It was first looted by an invading army. A decade later, in 586 BC, it was sacked and burned by the Babylonians. After the exile,...
Bulletin 11-13-16
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Vatican Corner 11-6-16
VATICAN CORNER Continued …Bramante, the original architect of the New Saint Peter’s Basilica, designed 4 piers to support the enormous weight of the domed roof. At the construction site, an artist from Florence named Michelangelo, observed that construction workers...
Pastors Desk 11-6-16
As Vice-President, George Bush represented the U.S. at the funeral (November 15, 1982) of former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev who had been the president of the USSR for 18 years. Bush was deeply moved by a silent protest carried out by Brezhnev's widow, Mrs. Viktoria...
Bulletin 11- 6-16
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Vatican corner 10-30-16
VATICAN CORNER Saint Peter’s Basilica is the largest church in the world at 163,180 sq. ft., and with a maximum capacity of 60,000 people. During the years 319 to 349 AD, the first Christian Emperor of Rome – Constantine built the first Saint Peter’s Basilica over the...
Pastors Desk 10-30-16
Several years ago, a school teacher assigned to visit children in a large city hospital received a routine call requesting that she visit a particular child. She took the boy's name and room number and was told by the teacher on the other end of the line, "We're...
Bulletin 10-30-16
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Vatican Corner 10-23-16
VATICAN CORNER The Vatican and the surrounding City of Rome are not considered to be at high seismic risk. The ground beneath them is free of faults, and volcanic activity is thankfully distant, but the historical record tells a different story, with Rome struck again...
Pastors Desk 10-23-16
Before the great spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi led India in its struggle for independence, he practiced law in South Africa. He became keenly aware of the injustice there and he managed to persuade the Indian community to offer passive resistance to the government’s...
Bulletin 10-23-16
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Vatican Corner 10-16-16
VATICAN CORNER On Tuesday morning Oct. 4, 2016, on the feast day of St. Francis, Pope Francis made a surprise visit to those people affected by the recent earthquake in central Italy. He even caught local officials by surprise. He told the residents of Amatrice “I...
Pastors Desk 10-16-16
I am thankful to God for blessing me with many useful talents and abilities. But one of the important talents that I feel I am lacking is my ability to organize big fundraising events or to request people for money to carry out project for the parish. For a pastor of...
Bulletin 10-16-16
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Vatican Corner 10-9-16
VATICAN CORNER Over the weekend, Sept. 30 - October 2, 2016 Pope Francis made his 16th trip as Pope, visiting his 23rd and 24th countries: Georgia and Azerbaija two former Soviet republics located between the Black & Caspian Seas, south of Russia, north of Turkey,...
Pastors Desk 10-9-16
Off the coast of Evanston Illinois there comes the story of a shipwreck. The students of Northwestern University came to the rescue. One student, Edward Spenser, personally saved the lives of 17 persons that day. Years later a reporter was wri"ng a follow-up story on...
Bulletin 10-9-16
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Vatican Corner 10-2-16
VATICAN CORNER It would seem that Pope Francis' busy schedule would not allow him time to compose all of the many speeches he must give both at the Vatican and when on his foreign trips. Like any modern head of state, there are probably people who assist him in...
Pastors Desk 10-2-16
Blondin, the French !ghtrope walker became world-famous in June of 1859, when he walked on a !ghtrope stretched over quarter of a mile across the mighty Niagara Falls. He became the first person to accomplish this amazing feat. He walked across 160 feet above the...
Bulletin 10-2-16
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Vatican Corner 9-25-16
VATICAN CORNER Each month of the Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has spent one Friday afternoon outside the Vatican performing an act of mercy. He has made surprise visits to a group of migrants, to a recovery community for former drug addicts and alcoholics, to a...
Pastors Desk 9-25-16
What parable would make a man with three doctoral degrees (one in medicine, one in theology, one in philosophy), leave civilization with all its culture and amenities and depart for the jungles of darkest Africa to serve as a missionary doctor for 47 years? What...
Bulletin 9-25-16
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Vatican Corner 9-18-16
VATICAN CORNER On Sunday September 4, 2016, 120,000 people filled St. Peter’s Square for the canonization Mass of Mother Teresa, one of the central moments of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Many volunteers were present to celebrate the Jubilee for Volunteers...