St. Joachim News


Pastors Desk 3-20-16

The Bishop of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris during the early part of the last century was a great evangelizer who tried to reach out to unbelievers, scoffers, and cynics. He liked to tell the story of a young man who would stand outside the Cathedral and shout...

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Vatican Corner 3-20-16

VATICAN CORNER Every year on Good Friday, a collection is taken up in every Catholic Church to support the people and places of the Holy Land. Christians of the Holy Land rely heavily on the help that comes to them during this special moment of the year. On Feb. 10,...

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Pastors Desk 3-13-16

Dr. A.J. Cronin was a great Christian physician in England. One night he assigned a young nurse to a little boy who had been brought to the hospital suffering from diphtheria, and given only a slight chance to live. A tube was inserted into the boy's throat to help...

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Vatican Corner 3-13-16

  VATICAN CORNER There is a new book entitled “Dear Pope Francis” published March 1, 2016 in which Pope Francis answers 30 questions presented to him from children from around the world. The U. S. based Jesuit publishing house Loyola Press approached Francis with...

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Pastors Desk 3-6-16

1990, Michale Mohr’s son, Jeff, moved to Arizona to work as a computer technician. Michale, back in Portland, Oregon, looed forward to her son’s weekly calls. But after a few years in Arizona, Jeff’s phone calls began to taper off. When Michale’s letters to him were...

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Vatican Corner 3-6-16

VATICAN CORNER continued … On February 17, 2016, Pope Francis’ trip through Mexico reached its final stop at the northern border city of Juárez across the Rio Grande from El Paso, and thus he symbolically traced the route of migrants through Mexico, focusing on their...

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Pastors Desk 2-28-16

n the 1980’s Mary Brenner was a divorced mother of seven children who owned a carbon paper manufacturing company in Beverly Hills. She was a friend of all the movie stars, went to their parties, and hobnobbed with celebrities. What turned her around, and made her see...

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Vatican Corner 2-28-16

VATICAN CORNER CONTINUED … On Monday February 15, 2016, Pope Francis visited Mexico’s southern Chiapas state, and denounced the centuries-old exploitation and exclusion of Mexico’s indigenous people. He prayed before the tomb of Bishop Samuel Ruiz who died in 2011 and...

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Pastors Desk 2-21-16

It is not uncommon to hear the question, “Why does the church collect money?” or “Why do the churches ask for money?” The answer to this question is a counter question, “Why do the families need money?” or “Why do the families depend on monthly salary?” The families...

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Vatican Corner 2-21-16

VATICAN CORNER … continued On Saturday February 13, 2016 in Mexico City, Pope Francis met with the president of Mexico, the diplomatic corp. and with the Bishops of Mexico, then held Holy Mass at the Basilica at the Shrine near the ‘Tepeyac’ hill above Mexico City...

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Pastors Desk 2-14-16

The local sheriff was looking for a deputy, and one of the applicants, who was not known to be the brightest academically, was called in for an interview. "Okay," began the sheriff, "What is 1 and 1?" "Eleven," came the reply. The sheriff thought to himself, "That's...

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Vatican Corner 2-14-16

VATICAN CORNER Pope Francis will be visiting Mexico from February 12th thru 18th, 2016, traveling from south to north and ending at the border town of Juarez, just across the Rio Grande River from El Paso, Texas. This route is intended to represent the difficult path...

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