Vatican Corner 08-30-2020

In Roman Catholic theology, there is the doctrine of papal infallibility, when the pope cannot be wrong. It occurs when the pope is acting as the supreme teacher, and is instructing in matters of faith and morals, while doing so under certain conditions. This doctrine...

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Vatican Corner 08-23-2020

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven (often shortened to The Assumption) is the taking of her body and soul to Heaven at the end of her life on earth. God assumed her body and soul into heavenly glory. It is a major feast day celebrated by the...

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Vatican Corner 08-16-2020

Before the pandemic lockdown and the delayed opening to historians of the archives of Pope Pius XII’s wartime pontificate, Cesare Catananti a retired Italian doctor, and professor of medical history, was given access to a unique collection of WWII documents from the...

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Vatican Corner 08-09-2020

Cybercrime is a problem for anyone who uses the internet and who stores important data online. Hackers are continually looking for secret information they can use to  obtain money or other gains. They say there are only two types of offices: one that has been hit by a...

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Vatican Corner 08-02-2020

On July 23, 2020 a notice went out announcing that the Vatican has published a book which contains Pope Francis’ homilies during the coronavirus lockdown which he delivered between March 9 and May 18, 2020. It was also reported that the book include prayers,...

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Vatican Corner 07-26-2020

The dome of the roof of Saint Peter’s Basilica, with its exceptional height and beauty unmistakably marks the skyline of Rome. It is 394 feet high above the floor and is still the tallest of its kind in the world today. It was designed by Michelangelo who used the...

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Vatican Corner 07-19-2020

Regarding the Israeli prime minister’s promise to annex portions of the West Bank beginning July 1, 2020, Vatican sources said that they had hoped the United States could act as an honest broker between the Israelis and the Palestinians in the drawing up of a new...

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Vatican Corner 07-12-2020

Annexation is when a country declares land that is outside its border is now within those borders. It often happens after military occupation and without the approval of the people living there. International law says it is illegal. During the past year, Israeli prime...

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Vatican Corner 07-05-2020

On June 18, 2020, retired Pope Benedict (93) received a greeting from Pope Francis , and then Benedict flew to Munich, Germany on an Italian air force jet, to see his ailing elder brother Georg Ratzinger (96) at their former home near Regensburg, Germany. It was...

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Vatican Corner 06-28-2020

On April 16, 2020, retired Pope Benedict XVI celebrated his 93rd birthday. He was well, but due to the coronavirus restrictions, he could not receive any visitors. He resides at a former monastery located in the Vatican Gardens and lives with his retired personal...

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Vatican Corner 06-21-2020

The vast majority of police officers are honorable men and women who risk their lives every day to protect our communities. With police brutality currently in focus, a welcomed remembrance might be that of an extraordinary policeman who someday could be declared a...

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Vatican Corner 06-14-2020

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man tragically died in Minneapolis, Minnesota during his arrest by the police. He was being arrested for allegedly passing a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill. During the arrest, Derek Chauvin, a white police officer...

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