St. Joachim News
Pastor’s Desk 10-04-2020
In his book From Scandal to Hope, Fr. Benedict Groeschel (EWTN), examines the roots of the clergy sex-abuse scandal. He details how disloyalty spread through seminaries, universities, chanceries and parishes. The most notorious case was that of Fr. Paul Shanley who...
Bulletin 10-04-2020
Vatican Corner 09-27-2020
On September 12, 2020, the Vatican said that it was “necessary and urgent” to return to in-person Masses as soon as anti-coronavirus measures permit. Cardinal Robert Sarah the head of the Vatican’s liturgy office said in a letter to bishop’s conferences worldwide that...
Pastor’s Desk 09-27-2020
Professor John Kenneth Galbraith, the world-famous Harvard economist and author of four dozen books and over a thousand articles, also served as economic advisor to four American presidents. In his autobiography, A Life in Our Times, Galbraith illustrates the devotion...
Bulletin 09-27-2020
Vatican Corner 09-20-2020
The prayer: The Angelus is a Catholic prayer devoted to the commemoration of the Incarnation, when Jesus was made flesh by being conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary. The name Angelus comes from the first few words of the text: “The Angel of the Lord declared unto...
Pastor’s Desk 09-20-2020
There is a story about Simon Peter and Dismas, the repentant thief on the cross. Simon Peter, the big disciple, and Dismas, the thief on the cross, both died and went up to Heaven. They both knocked on the door, and they both got into Heaven. But, up in Heaven, Simon...
Bulletin 09-20-2020
Vatican Corner 09-13-2020
On August 30, 2020 from the window of his studio overlooking St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis said in his weekly Angelus prayer that Christ’s cross is a powerful symbol of God’s love for humanity and not just a decoration or trinket. While Christians often hang a...
Pastor’s Desk 09-13-2020
“Adopt an orphaned Muslim child and raise him as a Muslim in your Hindu family”: In the motion picture of the life of Gandhi there, is a scene in which a Hindu father whose child has been killed by a Muslim comes to Gandhi in great grief and remorse. Out of a sense of...
Bulletin 09-13-2020
Vatican Corner 09-06-2020
Papal infallibility is generally misunderstood. It doesn’t mean that the pope cannot sin or make mistakes and his routine papal teaching is not thought to be infallible. It is instead when he defines a doctrine concerning faith and morals that is to be held by the...
Pastor’s Desk 09-06-2020
In Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of the Christ, one of the most haunting scenes shows Judas as he gives into despair. It is the morning of Good Friday, and Judas has spent the night being tortured with regret for his betrayal. His years of hidden sins have finally...
Bulletin 09-06-2020
Vatican Corner 08-30-2020
In Roman Catholic theology, there is the doctrine of papal infallibility, when the pope cannot be wrong. It occurs when the pope is acting as the supreme teacher, and is instructing in matters of faith and morals, while doing so under certain conditions. This doctrine...
Pastor’s Desk 08-30-2020
Bruce Riggins was working sacrificially with underprivileged people in London. When the reporter asked one of these women what had inspired her Christian Faith and action, she shared her story of how seeing another Christian's Faith converted her. She was a Jew...
Bulletin 08-30-2020
Vatican Corner 08-23-2020
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven (often shortened to The Assumption) is the taking of her body and soul to Heaven at the end of her life on earth. God assumed her body and soul into heavenly glory. It is a major feast day celebrated by the...
Pastor’s Desk 08-23-2020
Who do you think I am?” In 1896, after fifteen centuries, Athens renewed the Olympic Games. You can imagine how proud the Greeks were to host the first modern Olympics. The Greeks were by far the most successful nation in terms of total medals (forty -six), 26 more...
Bulletin 08-23-2020
Vatican Corner 08-16-2020
Before the pandemic lockdown and the delayed opening to historians of the archives of Pope Pius XII’s wartime pontificate, Cesare Catananti a retired Italian doctor, and professor of medical history, was given access to a unique collection of WWII documents from the...
Pastor’s Desk 08-16-2020
“Never give up!”: Many years ago in Illinois, a young man with six months schooling to his credit ran for an office in the legislature. As might have been expected, he was beaten. Next, he entered business but failed in that too, and spent the next seventeen years...
Bulletin 08-16-2020
Vatican Corner 08-09-2020
Cybercrime is a problem for anyone who uses the internet and who stores important data online. Hackers are continually looking for secret information they can use to obtain money or other gains. They say there are only two types of offices: one that has been hit by a...