St. Joachim News


Pastor’s Desk 02-14-2021

In India, the low caste people were untouchables for high caste Hindus. Until the Civil Rights Movement, African-American heritage was such a social disability in the U. S. that white shopkeepers would slap a black customer’s change on the counter to keep from...

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Vatican Corner 02-07-2021

The Vatican’s Institute of Works for Religion (IOR) also known as the Vatican Bank is a private bank in Vatican City. It is located in a medieval tower that once was a dungeon. At the entrance you are checked by two Swiss Guards, pass through a two-door security kiosk...

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Pastor’s Desk 02-07-2021

There is an old and funny little anecdote that goes something like this. An elderly man who was quite ill said to his wife, "You know, Sarah, you’ve always been with me – through the good and the bad. Like the time I lost my job – you were right there by my side. And...

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Vatican Corner 01-31-2021

On January 23, 2021, the Vigil of the Memorial of St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of writers and journalists, Pope Francis issued a new warning about misinformation being spread on social media. He wrote that “we have known for some time that news and even...

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Pastor’s Desk 01-31-2021

Soon after Al Smith was elected to his first term as governor of New York, he made an inspection tour of the state prison, "Sing Sing." After Smith had toured the plant, the warden explained that prison morale was low and he asked the governor to speak some...

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Vatican Corner 01-24-2021

The Vatican announced on January 13, 2021 that Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI have received their first doses of the Covid-19 vaccine and that the Vatican’s program of vaccinations has begun. The program is entirely voluntary and the vaccine being offered...

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Pastor’s Desk 01-24-2021

On last Saturday early morning (January 16th) I was informed that Mrs. Maria Silva wife of Fernando Silva had passed away. The immediate thought that came to my mind was, ‘What a great loss to our parish.’ Yes, indeed, she was one of the great pillars of our church....

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Vatican Corner 01-17-2021

The Virgin Mary our Blessed Mother has had a special presence in the Americas for over five hundred years. Christopher Columbus named his flagship the Santa Maria. The Spanish and French missionaries, who came along with the explorers introduced Mary to the native...

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Pastor’s Desk 01-17-2021

One day Francis of Assisi invited one of the young friars to join him on a trip into town to preach. The young friar was so honored at receiving such an invitation from St. Francis that he quickly accepted. They paused beneath a tree and Francis stooped to return a...

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Vatican Corner 01-10-2021

Most historians agree that the early Christians did not use lighted candles, torches or lamps during ceremonies for the first 3 centuries. They tried to avoid anything that might resemble the way Romans used lamps in their sacrificial rituals. But in the 4th century...

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Pastor’s Desk 01-10-2021

Origin of baptism: Neither John nor Jesus invented baptism. It had been practiced for centuries among the Jews as a ritual equivalent to our Confession. Until the fall of the Temple in 70 A.D., it was common for Jewish people to use a special pool called a Mikveh --...

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Vatican Corner 01-03-2021

In a new book entitled “Let Us Dream: The Path to A Better Future,” Pope Francis avoids complex discussions of church doctrine and theology and instead tells stories from his own life, and gives his views on the crises facing the world, from the coronavirus, the...

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Pastor’s Desk 01-03-2021

Little Amy was looking through the family album and found a picture of a man sitting behind a cow. All that was visible was the man’s legs and feet. When her photographer uncle who owned a photo studio came to visit her mother Amy told him, “This is the only picture...

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New Year’s Masses

Our New Year's Mass Schedule has Arrived!In-Person Parking Lot Masses: January 1st @ 9:00am (English) and 11:00am (Spanish)Livestreamed Masses: December 31st @ 6:00pm (Spanish) and 8:00pm (English) on our Facebook.Please join us in the Holy Celebration of the Blessed...

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Vatican Corner 12-27-2020

In his new Apostolic Letter, Pope Francis describes Saint Joseph as a beloved father, a tender, loving, father, a father obedient to God, an accepting, and creatively courageous father, a working father, and a father in the shadows. The Pope’s letter was written...

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Pastor’s Desk 12-27-2020

On what basis the Church began to celebrate Christmas on 25th December. It is based on the assumption that the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist to Zachariah occurred during the feast of Yom Kippur, around September 25th, placing the birth of John after...

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