St. Joachim News
Pastors Desk 12-18-16
The great writer Max Lucado tells about his neighbor who was trying to teach his six-year-old son how to shoot a basketball. They were out in the backyard. The father shot a couple of times, saying, “Do it just like that, son; it’s real easy.” The little boy tried...
Bulletin 12-18-16
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Vatican Corner 12-11-16
VATICAN CORNER On September 19, 2016, four prominent cardinals wrote a letter to Pope Francis and to Cardinal Gerhard Müller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, citing conflicting interpretations of the Apostolic Exhortation on Love in the...
Pastors Desk 12-11-16
A number of years ago, a young college student was working as an intern at his college’s Museum of Natural History. One day while working at the cash register in the gift shop, he saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair. As he looked more...
Bulletin 12-11-16
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Las Posadas 2016
Fri 16 7:00pm Novena Sat 17 7:00pm Novena Sun 18 7:00pm Novena Mon 19 7:00pm Novena Tues 20 7:00pm Novena Wed 21 7:00pm Novena Thurs 22 7:00pm Novena Fri 23 7:00pm Novena Sat 24 6:00pm Spanish Mass
Simbang Gabi 2016
Fri 16 5:30am Novena Mass Sat 17 5:30am Novena Mass Sun 18 5:30am Novena Mass Mon 19 5:30am Novena Mass Tues 20 5:30am Novena Mass Wed 21 5:30am Novena Mass Thurs 22 5:30am Novena Mass Fri 23 5:30am Novena Mass Sat 24 5:30am Novena...
Immaculate Conception 2016
Thursday 08 7:00am English Mass 8:30am English Mass 7:00pm Bilingual Mass Saturday 10 6:00pm Spanish Mass, followed by Rosary in the Gym
Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena 2016
Sat 03 5:30pm Rosary & Novena Mass Sun 04 5:30pm Rosary & Novena Mass Mon 05 6:30pm Rosary & Novena Mass Tues 06 6:30pm Rosary & Novena Mass Wed 07 6:30pm Rosary & Novena Mass Thurs 08 6:30pm Rosary & Novena Mass...
New Year 2017
Saturday 31 4:30pm Mass English 6:00pm Mass Spanish 7:00pm New Years Eve Celebration in the Hall Midnight — Benediction ******************************************************* Sunday 01 7:30am Mass English 9:00am Mass English 10:30am Mass English 12:15pm...
Christmas 2016
Saturday 24 5:30am Simbang Gabi 4:30 pm Mass English 6:00pm Mass Spanish 7:00pm Las Posadas 11:30pm Christmas Carols Midnight Mass—English ******************************* Sunday 25 7:30am Mass English 9:00am Mass English 10:30am Mass...
Reconciliation 2016
Wednesday 14 Communal Reconciliation at 7:00 PM in the Church Bilingual
Our Lady of Guadalupe 2016
Thursday 01 Diocesan Pilgrimage for Our Lady of Guadalupe St. Joachim Gym 7:00 PM Presentation by Msgr. Eduardo Chávez in Spanish
Pastors Desk 12-4-16
When the three astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, landed on the moon, they were the very first human beings in history who could view our planet, Earth, from the outside. As they gazed from outer space and even tried to locate the various...
Vatican corner 12-4-16
VATICAN CORNER Pope Francis formally ended the Jubilee Year of Mercy by saying a prayer thanking God for the gift of the Jubilee year and then pulling the tall gilded Holy Doors to the Basilica closed. Workers immediately removed the door handles and then later...
Bulletin 12-4-16
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December 2016 Events
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Vatican Corner 11-27-16
VATICAN CORNER Before the U.S. presidential election, a fake news website - WTOE 5 NEWS falsely reported that Pope Francis had endorsed Republican candidate Donald Trump. That website is a fantasy news site where most of its articles are satire or pure fabrication....
Pastors Desk 11-27-16
There is a beautiful anecdote given by Msgr. Arthur Tonne clarifying the message of today’s Gospel. Several years ago a bus driver in Oklahoma reached an unusual record. In 23 years he had driven a bus over 900,000 miles without a single accident. When asked how he...
Bulletin 11-27-16
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Vatican Corner 11-20-16
VATICAN CORNER Staircases bind spaces together. They come in many forms: single run, switchback, L-shaped, curved, triangular, spiral and double spiral. The double spiral or double-helix consisting of two intertwined spirals is one of the most remarkable types, and...
Pastors Desk 11-20-16
A newspaper story some time back recorded the grim incident of a police officer shot and killed in the line of duty. His great desire before he was killed was to see his family's back yard completely landscaped, a desire he never saw fulfilled, because of the bullet...
Bulletin 11-20-16
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Vatican Corner 11-13-16
VATICAN CORNER It is not often that a pope travels to Sweden, a country with just 113,000 Catholics, fewer than could fill St. Peter’s Square. The last pope to visit Sweden was Pope John Paul II during his 1989 tour of the Scandinavian countries. Sweden is in the...